Periodontal disease is an infectious condition, characterized by inflammatory and immunologic reactions associated to the local accumulation of bacterial plaque and dental calculus. When pathogenic microorganisms have access to the region of furcation, its complete removal seem
to be little probable, mainly due to the anatomical characteristics of multirooted teeth, which leads to difficult a clinical situation. The elimination or adequate suppression of the subgingival pathogens is essential for the periodontal health, be done which can by mechanical
curetage and also chemical systems of receasing antimicrobian agents. Clorhexidine gluconate is an effective antimicrobian agent against a wide specter of buccal microorganisms, being capable of reducing the formation of bacterial plaque and of preventing the occurrence of gingival
inflammation. PerioChip® is a small, rectangular chip, rounded at one end, of slow release, for insertion into periodontal pocket. To verify the efficiency of the application of an antimicrobian of local action in an area of difficult access to conventional scaling and root
planning, it was evaluated the use of the PerioChip®, associated with the procedure of scaling in open field in patients furcation defects of degrees II and III. In this study, evidence was produced that the use of clorhexidine gluconate PerioChip® did not bring additional
benefits to the conventional treatment of furcation involvement.
KEY WORDS: chlorhexidine; furcation defect; periodontal disease